We are humbled and honored to be bringing you this gorgeous array of stories. Each show is interwoven with a different style and rhythm, yet each brings humor and hope into the theater. Each piece will remind us that healing is possible – especially when we pursue it together.

Robyn Rikoon | Artistic Director

Othello: The Remix

Book and Music by the Q brothers (GQ & JQ)
developed with Rick Boynton

August 12, 2021 – August 15, 2021

An AdRapTation of Shakespeare’s beloved play that blends tragedy and comedy with dazzling and poetic rap in a high-energy, fast-paced non-stop 85-minute performance.

Part concert, part play, the language may be contemporary, but it’s all Shakespeare! No matter what you think of the Bard, you have yet to be introduced to the Bard like this.

The Santa Fe Fiesta Melodrama

August 26, 2021 – September 19, 2021

A Santa Fe Tradition since 1919, the Fiesta Melodrama is written every year with the intention to poke fun at the local current events and politicians.

This year (hoping it becomes a new tradition) the Playhouse will be serving Tumbleroot Brewery and Distillery beer every weekend. And Surprise! During Zozobra weekend, September 2nd – 5th, the Melodrama will be performed at Tumbleroot!

The Thanksgiving Play

Written by Larissa Fasthorse

October 28, 2021 – November 20, 2021

Native American playwright Larissa FastHorse’s (Sicangu Lakota Nation) hit comedy The Thanksgiving Play is about four white presenting adults struggling to devise a politically correct elementary school production of the first Thanksgiving for Native American Heritage Month.


Written by Kristin Goodman

December 2, 2021 – December 19, 2021

A cunning social media influencer mom, wrangles her younger sister, an unemployed alcoholic, into starring in a reality television show based on their childhood.

The two sisters are forced to confront not only the shared trauma of their public past, but also their current private struggle to find human connection and meaning in a world that no longer seems to be real.