Now in its second annual 99th year, the Fiesta Melodrama is the longest running theatrical tradition in the western United States. If that sentence confuses you, you’re not alone! Even if the Santa Fe Playhouse isn’t exactly sure of the total number of years they have been skewering local politicians and issues in the Santa Fe Fiesta Melodrama, they do know how to get it done. This show is always immensely popular, so reserve your tickets early!
So, what’s in store for 2019? Well, let’s Follow the Plothole-Filled Road (or Little Outhouse on the Prairie or A Gaggle aka Golden MacGuffins Gets Gotten aka Location, Location, Location: The Other L.A Story or A Wack, A Wizard, and A Witch That Gets Whacked). After being carried to a strange and confusing part of Santa Fe by a magical blue (corn) wave, Jamie Dorothy must find her way back to the Santa Fe she knows and loves by following the Plothole-Filled Road. Will the Wizard of Santa Fe be able to help her and her friends restore order and find an affordable place to rent, or will a mysterious stranger win the day and make all of Santa Fe into a radioactive AirBnB? These answers and more at the 2019 Fiesta Melodrama!
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