Inspired by true events, Trevor is a subversive comedy about fame, success, and the lies we tell ourselves. At the center of this hilarious and heart-wrenching play are two individuals fighting against a world unable to understand their love: Trevor, a 200-pound chimpanzee who once performed in commercials with the likes of Morgan Fairchild, and his owner Sandra, who swears he would never hurt a fly . . . at least not on purpose. Fans of plays like Sylvia will love this moving, and often comedic, exploration of family, flawed communication, and humanity.
Performed by Evan Dalzell (Trevor), Marguerite Scott (Sandra), Stephen Rommel (Jim), Veronica Everett (Ashley), Robert Allen Henkel Jr. (Oliver), Evan Galpert (Jerry/PA), and Isabel Madley (Morgan Fairchild)
“This fable, inspired by actual occurrences, is structurally ingenious, interweaving animal and human perspectives in ways that swerve from hilarious to heartbreaking to house-stilling.” —LA Times (Critic’s Pick)
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