Oklahoma City native, Susan Esco Chandler, received her BA from the University of Oklahoma, then spent her 20’s on the move from New Orleans to London (where — opera lover that she was — she volunteered at Covent Garden), then back to her birthplace. There she employed her new Cordon Bleu certification and established Creative Catering, Ltd.
Her 30’s were spent raising two young children in Dallas, learning the value of trained volunteers in the Junior League, and becoming a single mother. Under the tutelage of Stanley Marcus, she initiated a new career as a buyer of women’s designer sportswear at Neiman Marcus.
Her 40’s saw yet another life transformation as she segued from high-end retail to earning her Masters of Divinity degree at the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York City. Her 50s took her from Chelsea Square to a parish in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts, and a salt marsh in Rowley, MA where she settled with her new husband, Appy. She welcomed her 60’s retiring from parish ministry, moving into a second home in Tucson, and enthusiastically continuing to volunteer with an array of highly diverse philanthropic organizations. Most recently, in preparation for her next decade, she and Appy have staked out a 1930’s adobe on Santa Fe’s historic East Side.