The Santa Fe Playhouse presents: YPP Digital!

This is the first installment of a series entirely written, performed, and produced by the Playhouse’s Young Playwrights Project (YPP).

A nearly two year old educational program under the umbrella of the Santa Fe Playhouse, YPP had to move onto the Zoom platform for classes in March of this year due to the COVID-19 crisis. Normally, classes are held in person and students have opportunities to perform their written plays, monologues, and stories several times a year on the Playhouse stage.

The students have been hard at work using the storytelling and improv skills they’ve been learning over the course of their time with YPP. They wanted to share with audiences what they’ve been doing during the quarantine, their experiences, and of course, some comedy!

All of the videos were written and created by the students and then edited together by YPP student Max Garcia.

For more information about the Young Playwrights Project, visit our YPP page here.

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